Graceland University has exceptionally well prepared faculty. They are professionals that have excelled in their field. But most importantly, they're very student focused. We are a campus where faculty are engaged in helping students to succeed in their majors. And you can expect your faculty to attend your extracurricular events, to have departmental activities to go see you at a soccer match to be involved in your life while you're here at Graceland University.
So the faculty at Graceland are going to challenge you, they're going to challenge you to be the best version of yourself. But at Graceland, we're family. Most of your faculty here you're going to call by their first name, right? They're partners in your learning with you. And we want you to feel very comfortable going to them for mentoring for advising for advice.
The college experience is definitely step up from high school. But as school gets harder, you get better and that's part of what Graceland is really good at the professor's here provide like personal one on one time, they have student hours where you can just pop in anytime. What's also really exciting is that I get to interact with faculty outside of the classroom. We have special like campus events where we invite the faculty to come and participate with us as judges or participants. We also see them out and around like at the local coffee shop. Because we are such a tight knit community, we are able to see each other and more than just one space.