Graceland University social sciences includes majors in psychology, in criminal justice and in history. I'd say what unifies all three of those areas and why students choose those areas is that they care about society. They care about human beings. They care about the future of our country and our planet. And all three of those majors deal directly with some of those important questions.
Graceland's programs really are more interactive than I think a lot of schools are classes are always below 30. So there's always that special connection with your professor. Professors are nearly always open outside of class time. They're always there if you need it.
I myself am a psychology major. I really found my passion in psychology after I switched my major. Coming into college I thought I wanted to be an athletic trainer and then taking my first psychology class I was like, "woah, like this is definitely like what I want to do." I want to study the mind and I definitely want to help people who struggle with mental illness or just mental behavior that's abnormal.